Vintage Reverse Glass Paintings 02
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Reverse glass paintings came to India via China, and flourished in the country in the mid-19th century. These elegant paintings were adorned in vibrant colours and were particularly favoured by royal patrons and other prosperous nobles and city merchants during the time. Reverse glass paintings caught on as an art form in India because it was relatively inexpensive, with glass being the medium that was abundantly available at minimal cost.
Tanjore in the South of India became famous for this technique where an important school of glass painting was in existence. The colours that were used were very rich in depth, particularly the reds that were used in these paintings.
Reverse glass paintings covered a broad range of subjects, including images of noblemen as well as landscapes. But as in the case of lithographs such as those produced by the Ravi Varma Press in Ghatkopar, the subject matter later migrated towards spirituality and the painting of Gods in various levels of splendour.
Today, reverse glass paintings from years past are considered to be part of the country's heritage and are valued by collectors. Nonetheless, they are becoming more scarce in their availability.